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A Waterfall Represents Flowing Movement

Flowing water won't stagnate

Sedentary Century?

It took you years to perfect and it's one of the most naturally beneficial things most of us do each day.


Movement  is something humans have done for hundreds of thousands of years, but over the past century overuse of new technologies has drastically reduced daily activity.


Lack of physical activity can have dramatic impacts on health. But it can also profoundly compromise quality of life, relationships and even contribute to climate change.

Our past informs present and future - Connect with Colleagues Outdoors

Moving Well Every Day

Sitting still at desks for long periods can compromise health.

The greatest amount of prolonged sedentary time for the majority of people happens at work while sitting at computers.


Use of sit stand desks can help reduce sedentary behaviour, but this intervention alone is not enough ~ Employees can gain far greater benefits with deeper insights about healthy movement.


Knowing what to do more specifically when particular ailments arise is remarkably empowering and creates less waste.

Walking With Colleagues - Natural Immersion Workshops
Your Hands Can Provide Pain Relief
Office dynamics - Better Ergonomics Helps People

Better Health Your Way

Glimpse ~ Moving Well inspire and motivate people to take more control of their own physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. But we also understand there can be many obstacles to maintaining a healthy lifestyle ~ Building knowledge is key.


We share the holistic principles from natural wellbeing, active design, ergonomics and physical practice. Essentially ~ Helping people to improve their wellbeing and health while at work. And supporting flexible working, WFH and The Four Day Week. 

Encouraging regenerative and circular models and strategies. 

Lunchtime is for your enjoyment outside when possible

Founder & Director

Justin Eade is an accredited Occupational Health and Safety specialist and founder director of Glimpse ~ Moving Well


Justin has advised organisations from the BBC to the NHS and Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre. With broad industry experience and decades of mind body practice, Justin brings together a unique mix of knowledge and sustainable wellbeing skills to support and empower.



Occupational Health & Safety NEBOSH Logo

nebosh accredited

Glimpse founder and director Justin Eade
Feel Better ~ Work Well

Help your staff feel at their best wherever they are working


Video by Louise Mather {Glimpse ~ Mvg Well Labs project with GSA, DHI}

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14 Newton Place, Glasgow  G3 7PY


© 2025   Glimpse ~ Moving Well                                        Registered in Scotland Company No. SC456939 ~ Social Enterprise SC710346





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