Getting out ‘n about
Deciding to get out of the house or office for an hour or two can turn a frustrating day around like nothing else. Especially if you haven’t slept well or are struggling with general aches, pains and discomfort. Fresh air, daylight and nature bring many great benefits, so don’t suppress the impulse to venture out and explore.
Whether its ongoing niggling lower back pain, tiredness, or a mixture of low energy levels and feeling unmotivated ~ You do know things could be much better.

Looking at the physical aspects, and the mind body connection, it’s not surprising we don’t achieve our best when we’re feeling compromised. Straining to get through the hours of a cold winters day no matter what can feel bleak and even miserable. But what if you followed your instinct to just get out and do something different instead?
If you’re not in the habit of carving out time for yourself in this way - could you try It? It can really change the dynamic when you’ve been experiencing pain or frustration.
When you have some flexibility with your time (you deserve to) perhaps an hour or two spent out ‘n about might prove more rewarding ~ And support your Whole day.
The idea comes to mind and you start to busy yourself in preparation to leave the house. As you move around gathering things and preparing to go you might notice you’re already starting to feel less pain and less of that sluggish, tired energy.
A crucial change to be aware of. Yes. The more spontaneous, inspired and motivated you is moving naturally while focusing on doing something you really feel like doing. Perhaps you’ll visit a local forest, park , green space or coast and water. The intention spurs you on and before you know it you’re out the door and the day has taken a fresh new direction.

Stick with it - despite thoughts that you’re simply avoiding tasks at hand - as you continue your plan, within an hour or two your whole energy has shifted into a state of activity, creativity and doing. Putting energy in motion also boosts self esteem. With a little self discipline, the fruits of your decision will fuel your labour.
Contrast this with the other choice to stay put. Perhaps you did manage to get some things done, fantastic! But if it was really hard to concentrate and your back is still sore then perhaps it’s worth taking a more holistic approach. The afternoon doesn’t have to feel like a mountain to climb ~ Could it be one to snowboard down?
Many things are at play when you change your activity. One of the key aspects is your physical engagement with achieving a variety of goals. This can help shift stagnation ~ Enliven your senses, get the joints moving and blood flowing.
Proving to yourself, time and again, that by following certain impulses - to get out and move, and do something different when you’re feeling stuck - pain may ease considerably. And then you can bring your better self back to crucial tasks at hand.
When you have the opportunity - compare how your day goes when you choose different paths. Make your own decisions and consider that optimising your wellbeing plays a huge part in the sustainable success and satisfaction of each day.